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#Hungary: Sivil Özgürlükler milletvekilleri temel hakların durumunu tartışmak




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MEPs in the Civil Liberties Committee will assess today (12 April) the situation in Hungary, to determine whether the country is at risk of breaching EU values.

Judith Sargentini (Yeşiller / EFA, NL) will present her draft report on democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights in the country to the committee. The Civil Liberties Committee was tasked in May 2017 with studying the situation in Hungary, with a view to activating AB Antlaşması Madde 7 (1).

içinde Mayıs 2017 genel kurul kararı, MEPs stated that the situation in the country justifies triggering the procedure, which may result in sanctions for Hungary, including losing its voting rights in the Council.

Sonraki adımlar

The Civil Liberties Committee will vote on Sargentini’s report in June. It will be put to a vote in plenary in September. To be adopted, it has to be backed by two-thirds of the votes cast and an absolute majority of MEPs, i.e. at least 376 votes.

When: Thursday, 12 April, from 9-9h45.

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak building, room 3C050


Judith Sargentini will give a press conference following the debate, at 10.00 in Anna Politkovskaya room (PHS 0A50).

Sen takip edebilirsiniz discussion in committee ve basın toplantısı yaşıyor.

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